Dryland Wilds Desert Perfume Roller

Dryland Wilds Desert Perfume Roller
10 ml glass roller bottle
No synthetic fragrances or artificial ingredients ever.
greasewood perfume oil This desert perfume is a love poem to survival. It is the smell of rain on the hot, dry southern badlands. One of the oldest living beings on our planet, greasewood flourishes where little else can live. This scrubby bush carries the scent of desert monsoon in its leaves, making us remember rain even in the hottest, driest times.
Notes: Dry earthy petichor, sharp resinous greasewood and the cool relief of summer rain in New Mexico’s Chihuahuan desert. Handcrafted with extracts of greasewood, desert rosemary-mint, juniper resin and other high desert aromatics.
sagebrush+snakeweed perfume oil Wade through an endless sea of sagebrush on top of New Mexico’s high mesas, smelling clean dry earth, blue sky and vast open desert. Lay back on a bed of yellow blooming snakeweed to watch a hawk circle above. Exhale.
Notes: Dusty sagebrush, bright snakeweed and the warm pitchy musk of parched earth, desert piñon and sunshine. Handcrafted with extracts of sagebrush, snakeweed, mugwort, piñon resin and other high desert aromatics.
rosehip+thistle perfume oil New Mexico’s high country in August. Mountain streams banked with wild roses, tall grass and nodding thistle. A patchwork of sunny meadows and tall ponderosa trees folding you into their spicy sugar-pine perfume.
Notes: Summertime at 8000 feet. Sweet fruity rosehip, deep pine forest and thistle’s pastel fragrance. Handcrafted with extracts of rosehip, nodding thistle, ponderosa resin, wild tarragon and other high desert aromatics.
sweetclover perfume oil The smell of spring. This wild herb blankets the high desert with lush green and sweet yellow blossoms wherever there is the smallest seep of water. Impromptu meadows spring up, perfuming the warm wind with a green sweetness.
Notes: Succulent deep grassy green and sunbaked desert cliffs. Hints of light vanilla and hay with more breeze than flower. Handcrafted with extracts of sweetclover, desert fernbush, buffalo currant and other high desert aromatics.